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Different bowls of grains. Text: Exploring Spermidine Foods

Spermidine Foods | Natural Sources of Foods in Spermidine

Spermidine is a polyamine, which is an organic compound found in all living cells that is needed to perform various cellular functions, including cell growth and division, stabilizing DNA, regulating ion channels, and maintaining a healthy stress response.

You'll find spermidine in foods like wheat germ, rice bran, cheese, soy products, and certain nuts and seeds, playing a quiet yet crucial role in wellness. However, most spermidine in the human body is made by human cells.

The advantage of consuming spermidine through diet is the intake of this polyamine and the array of other nutrients these foods provide, collectively contributing to overall health. However, the spermidine concentration in these foods can vary significantly based on factors like soil quality, food processing, and preparation methods.

Spermidine Foods List

Wheat germ
  • Wheat Germ: One of the most concentrated sources of spermidine.
  • Aged Cheese: This includes especially types like blue cheese and brie.
  • Mushrooms: Various kinds, including shiitake and portobello.
  • Soy Products: Such as tofu, tempeh, and natto (fermented soybeans).
  • Legumes: Including peas, lentils, and chickpeas.
  • Whole Grains: Like rice bran, barley, and whole wheat.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Particularly almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
  • Green Peas: Fresh or frozen.
  • Broccoli: Along with other cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower.
  • Corn: Both sweet corn and corn products.
  • Apples: With the skin on for maximum benefits.
  • Pears: Similarly, consumed with the skin.
  • Mangoes: A tropical fruit option.
  • Green Leafy Vegetables: Such as spinach and kale.
  • Olives and Olive Oil: Particularly extra virgin olive oil.

The advantage of consuming spermidine through foods is the intake of this polyamine and the array of other nutrients these foods provide, which is key to a balanced nutritional diet.

However, the concentration of spermidine in these foods can vary significantly, and you may not be receiving enough spermidine consistently to unlock some of its potential for healthy aging.

Spermidine and Autophagy

Autophagy is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells to regenerate newer, healthier cells. 

Think of it as your cells taking out the trash and recycling what's no longer needed. This process is key for cell maintenance and renewal, preventing cellular damage that can lead to many health problems — from aging issues like wrinkles and decreased function to more serious conditions like neurodegenerative diseases and compromised immune systems.

Spermidine has been studied for its potential for kicking autophagy into high gear [1]. By stimulating autophagy, spermidine helps ensure that the cellular cleanup and recycling processes are ongoing and operating at peak efficiency.

Beyond autophagy, spermidine contributes to the process involved in stabilizing DNA and RNA structures, supporting overall cellular integrity and wellness.

This could mean better cellular health as you age, which is why spermidine and other polyamines have become a subject of considerable interest in the scientific community.

Spermidine-Rich Diets

When exploring the concept of spermidine-rich diets, it's fascinating to see how certain regions and cultures around the world, often renowned for their longevity and robust health, naturally incorporate high amounts of spermidine in their daily meals. These diets provide insightful examples of how naturally occurring spermidine can be a staple in our nutrition.

1. The Mediterranean Diet: A Model of Spermidine Abundance

Mediterranean food

The Mediterranean diet, known for its health benefits, is a prime example of a spermidine-rich diet. 

This diet emphasizes foods like olives and olive oil, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and various fruits and vegetables, all of which are excellent sources of spermidine. The longevity and lower incidence of chronic diseases in regions that follow this diet can be partially attributed to the regular consumption of these spermidine-rich foods.

2. The Traditional Japanese Diet: Spermidine in Daily Cuisine

Japanese food

Japan, particularly Okinawa, is known for having one of the highest life expectancies in the world. 

The traditional Japanese diet, rich in soy products like natto, tofu, and miso, as well as a variety of mushrooms and green vegetables, is naturally high in spermidine. These dietary habits have been linked to the population's remarkable health and longevity.

3. The Nordic Diet: Embracing Whole Grains and Vegetables

Nordic food

The Nordic diet, focusing on whole grains such as barley and rye, root vegetables, and legumes, also offers a good source of spermidine. 

This diet, along with a lifestyle that emphasizes physical activity and outdoor living, contributes to the overall health and well-being of the Nordic populations.

4. Plant-Based Diets: A Universal Source of Spermidine

Plant based food

Globally, plant-based diets are gaining popularity and are inherently rich in spermidine. 

Such diets are not only limited to specific cultures or regions but can be adapted universally. When done correctly, diets provide ample spermidine and other essential nutrients by focusing on whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

Why Dietary Spermdine Might Not Suffice

The key question arises: Is eating spermidine-rich foods enough to reap the full benefits of Spermidine, especially for aging?

The answer is nuanced. 

While a spermidine-rich diet is beneficial, it might not always provide sufficient levels of spermidine needed to trigger significant autophagy and cellular rejuvenation processes, especially in older individuals.

The aging body's reduced efficiency in nutrient absorption and processing means that even with a healthy diet, spermidine levels might fall short of therapeutic benefits.

On top of this, the modern diet, often dominated by processed foods, may lack adequate levels of spermidine. 

Supplementation can be a practical solution to bridge this gap for those unable to consistently consume spermidine-rich foods or for whom such foods are insufficient to meet the body's needs.

What Foods are Low in Spermidine?

Processed Food

While we often focus on foods that are rich in spermidine for their health benefits, it's equally important to be aware of foods that are low in this compound. 

Having a better grasp of the foods with lower levels of spermidine can help balance a goal-specific diet, especially for those specifically looking to increase their spermidine intake.

  1. Processed and Refined Foods
    -Refined grains
    -Processed snacks
    -Sugary cereals
  2. High Sugar Foods
    -Sweetened beverages
  3. Certain Animal Products
    -Processed meats
  4. Some Dairy Products
    -Low-fat dairy products
  5. High Fat and Fried Foods
    -Deep-fried foods
  6. Alcohol
    -Alcoholic beverages

Avoiding foods low in spermidine isn't necessarily a requirement for most people. 

In fact, a balanced and varied diet is key to overall health. However, if you're specifically focusing on increasing your spermidine intake for its potential health benefits, like promoting cellular renewal and longevity, it makes sense to emphasize spermidine-rich foods in your diet.

Foods low in spermidine, which often include highly processed and refined foods, typically lack essential nutrients and may not contribute to your overall health goals. By choosing foods high in spermidine, you're not just boosting your intake of this particular compound but also likely consuming a more nutrient-dense, healthier diet overall.

Spermidine Supplements for Health Goals

Spermidine Tablets

Ultimately, a balanced approach might be the key. 

Incorporating spermidine-rich foods as part of a varied and balanced diet, complemented by supplementation when necessary, could offer the best strategy to leverage spermidine's potential in promoting wellness and supporting a healthy aging journey.

If you're considering taking spermidine supplements, let us introduce you to Neurogan Health spermidine tablets

By harnessing the essence of wheat germ through a sophisticated biotech synthesis process, our supplements achieve a purity and potency that significantly surpasses the natural levels found in wheat germ itself. 

This advanced method starts with microorganisms or cell cultures optimized through genetic engineering to produce spermidine efficiently and consistently.

The resulting product offers up to 10 times the spermidine concentration compared to its natural source. Our focus on purity and safety ensures that each supplement is free from unwanted additives, providing a high-quality, potent product.

As always, it's a good idea to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new supplementation regime, especially for individuals with specific health conditions or dietary restrictions.

The Takeaway: Spermidine Rich Foods

Spermidine is a polyamine compound essential for cellular health and autophagy, where cells rejuvenate and renew themselves. This attribute positions spermidine as a significant contributor to healthy aging.

Various foods naturally contain spermidine, including wheat germ, aged cheeses, mushrooms, soy products, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Incorporating these foods into your diet is a great way to boost your spermidine intake naturally. 

While these foods provide a good source of spermidine, the amount may not be sufficient to fully exploit spermidine’s potential, especially in the context of healthy aging. As we age, the body's ability to synthesize and use nutrients like spermidine diminishes, which can be compounded by dietary choices and lifestyle factors.

For anyone looking to harness the full potential of spermidine, especially for healthy aging, a balanced approach is key. This includes a diet rich in spermidine foods complemented by high-quality supplements, ensuring both natural intake and adequate levels for its potential health benefits.


What foods are the highest in spermidine?

Foods rich in spermidine include wheat germ, aged cheese, mushrooms, soy products, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

What cheese has the highest spermidine content?

Aged cheeses, such as blue cheese, cheddar, and gouda, have higher spermidine content due to the maturation process. During aging, proteins in the cheese break down, increasing the concentration of spermidine. Blue cheese, in particular, stands out as one of the top choices for a spermidine-rich option.

Can spermidine help with aging?

Spermidine is studied for its potential role in cellular renewal processes, which are important in aging. However, its effects on aging in humans are not fully established, and more research is needed.

How to increase spermidine intake?

One way to increase spermidine intake is by incorporating foods naturally rich in spermidine into your daily diet. Considering spermidine supplements can be an effective and convenient way to ensure adequate intake, especially if dietary sources are limited or insufficient.

Is spermidine supplementation safe?

Spermidine supplements, when used as directed, are generally considered safe. However, consulting with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement is important. Always purchase spermidine supplements from a reputable brand with third-party lab tests to verify their spermidine content.

What foods should I eat to reduce spermidine?

To reduce spermidine intake, limit foods high in this compound, such as wheat germ, aged cheese, mushrooms, soy products, legumes, and whole grains. Opt for a varied diet that includes other nutrient-rich foods.

Someone might consider reducing spermidine intake for specific medical reasons or dietary restrictions. For instance, if an individual has a condition that could be impacted by the effects of spermidine, such as certain hormonal or metabolic disorders, their healthcare provider might recommend adjusting dietary spermidine.


  1. Eisenberg, T., Knauer, H., Schauer, A., Büttner, S., Ruckenstuhl, C., Carmona-Gutierrez, D., ... & Madeo, F. (2009). Induction of autophagy by spermidine promotes longevity. Nature cell biology, 11(11), 1305-1314.
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Katrina Lubiano

Based in Canada, Katrina is an experienced content writer and editor specializing in health and wellness. With a journalistic approach, she's crafted over 900,000 words on supplements, striving to debunk myths and foster a holistic approach to healthi...

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