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Gomitas de espermidina

Precio de la unidad

Espermidina de origen vegetal en gomitas sin gluten. Puede favorecer la salud celular, el metabolismo y el bienestar general.

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Descripción del Producto

Las gomitas de espermidina de 1500 mg (60 unidades) son extraído artesanalmente A partir de una amplia gama de recursos naturales , para una dieta sin gluten y basada en plantas. fuente eso Entregar sbotanico propiedades para salud celular Apoyo al metabolismo y un brillo radiante . Contiene 25 mg de vitamina C pura. S -permidina En cada gomita , este desintoxicante para la salud intestinal. activa la autofagia para que puedas Mira y siente vibrantemente .

Cómo utilizar


  • espermidina
  • Jarabe de tapioca
  • Caña de azucar
  • Agua purificada
  • Pectina
  • Ácido cítrico
  • Sabor a bayas silvestres
  • Colorante alimentario natural
  • Citrato de sodio

Lista/etiqueta completa de ingredientes

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Respaldado por la ciencia, inspirado en la naturaleza

En Neurogan Health, creemos en la transparencia y la calidad. Nuestros productos se elaboran con los más altos estándares, lo que garantiza la pureza, la potencia y la eficacia, sin aditivos ni atajos innecesarios.

Apoyo al estado de ánimo
Salud cognitiva
Envejecimiento saludable
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Apoyo al estado de ánimo
Salud cognitiva
Envejecimiento saludable
Hecho en EE.UU
Apoyo al estado de ánimo
Salud cognitiva
Envejecimiento saludable
Hecho en EE.UU


Gomitas de espermidina

Canalice un nuevo nivel de vitalidad con Spermidine Gummies, un suplemento a base de plantas que proporciona una desintoxicación natural de la salud intestinal y promueve la renovación celular para un brillo juvenil.

Extraídos por expertos de una amplia gama de recursos naturales, 25 mg de espermidina están disponibles en cada porción. Puede confiar en que estos suplementos superiores de espermidina le brindarán una dosis potente del compuesto beneficioso conocido por inducir eficazmente la autofagia, un intrincado proceso de limpieza celular para efectos antienvejecimiento, que incluyen un mejor metabolismo y beneficios para la salud cardiovascular.

Nuestro suplemento Spermidine ofrece un respaldo de bienestar único y versátil, respaldado por investigaciones científicas. Con la capacidad de estimular naturalmente la función cognitiva y fomentar una función inmune saludable, las gomitas de espermidina pueden ayudarlo a lograr una apariencia radiante y saludable. Compre gomitas de espermidina y experimente usted mismo los beneficios de este extraordinario nutriente.



Estamos orgullosos de obtener ingredientes de la más alta calidad para producir nuestra línea de productos premium de renovación celular y envejecimiento saludable. Tomar atajos no es una opción, por lo que cada lote siempre se prueba en laboratorios de terceros para garantizar que cumplan con nuestros más altos estándares de potencia, pureza y seguridad.

El suplemento Spermidine de Neurogan se crea a partir de una amplia gama de recursos naturales. Nuestro método de extracción único da como resultado un producto que es 100 veces más potente en comparación con los extractos de germen de trigo, brindando un apoyo celular incomparable para su bienestar. Nuestro suplemento de espermidina no contiene aditivos nocivos ni ingredientes artificiales, lo que garantiza que obtenga la mejor fuente de espermidina. Confíe en nosotros para ofrecerle un producto excelente que le permitirá lograr una salud y un bienestar celular óptimos. Experimente usted mismo la diferencia al comprar gomitas de espermidina.

100% garantía de calidad

Priorizamos la pureza y la potencia en cada producto. Nuestras fórmulas están elaboradas con ingredientes de la más alta calidad y probadas para garantizar su consistencia y eficacia.

100% Transparencia

Creemos en la transparencia total de los ingredientes. Cada lote es probado por terceros y nuestros informes de laboratorio están disponibles para garantizar que sepa exactamente lo que está comprando.

Fórmulas 100% respaldadas por la ciencia

Nuestros productos están desarrollados con ingredientes respaldados por investigaciones y diseñados para respaldar su viaje hacia el bienestar con beneficios comprobados.

Estamos aquí para ayudar

¿Tiene más preguntas? Visite nuestra Centro de ayuda o contáctenos asupport@neuroganhealth.com : estaremos encantados de ayudarlo en su viaje hacia el bienestar.

¿Qué es la espermidina?

La espermidina es una molécula que se encuentra en todas las células vivas y participa en importantes procesos de renovación celular, además de tener propiedades antioxidantes beneficiosas. Es posible que desees comprar suplementos de espermidina por su conocida capacidad para inducir la autofagia, un proceso de limpieza natural que elimina componentes celulares dañados o innecesarios y actúa como desintoxicante de la salud intestinal.

¿Qué es una poliamina?

Las poliaminas son moléculas orgánicas que son esenciales para muchos procesos biológicos, incluido el crecimiento celular, la diferenciación y la replicación del ADN. Se caracterizan por sus numerosos grupos amino y se encuentran en todos los organismos vivos.

¿Cuánta espermidina debo tomar al día?

Recomendamos tomar dos gomitas de suplemento de espermidina de Neurogan Health al día, una por la mañana y otra por la noche. Esto le proporcionará una dosis diaria eficaz de 50 mg que respalda la salud celular y la longevidad.

¿Qué es la autofagia?

La autofagia es un proceso de "limpieza celular" que ayuda a mantener la salud y el funcionamiento de las células, al mismo tiempo que fomenta una desintoxicación natural de la salud intestinal. Tomar un suplemento de espermidina ayuda a activar la autofagia para una salud y bienestar celular óptimos.

¿Cuándo debo tomar espermidina?

Recomendamos tomar un suplemento de espermidina dos veces al día, una por la mañana y otra por la noche. Esto ayudará a mantener un nivel constante de triclorhidrato de espermidina en su cuerpo durante el día y la noche para promover sus diversos beneficios para la salud.

¿Cuánta espermidina hay en el esperma?

El esperma contiene espermidina, junto con otras poliaminas, en cantidades variables dependiendo de diversos factores como la edad y la salud del individuo. La cantidad exacta de espermidina en el esperma también puede variar y normalmente no se usa para medir la ingesta dietética o suplementaria de espermidina.

¿Cuál es la fuente vegetal de espermidina?

Nuestros suplementos de espermidina se derivan del germen de trigo. Utilizando técnicas de extracción avanzadas, aislamos e intensificamos la espermidina para obtener un extracto con una pureza excepcional.

Si bien la espermidina proviene originalmente del germen de trigo, nuestra espermidina está refinada hasta tal punto que está completamente libre de residuos de germen de trigo para obtener un producto más potente con cada porción.

Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
A unique product

Easy to take
A normal taste that anyone can take
Absorbed in the oral mucosa
Gives quick results
He gives me strength in my hands
Looks better

Grace Dollesin
Spermidine gummies.

It taste great and it gives me energy. The delivery was Quick.

Carol Mann
Awesome Necessary products

I have been searching for a form of Organic Spermidine and this is it!
Spermidine is so good for you and this product comes from Organic Wheat Germ.
I take it twice a day and am looking forward to all of the positive effects.

David R.
Highest Quality and Potency

Spermidine can have a neuroprotective effect against neuron damage from inflammation, ischemia and oxidative stress. One of the ways it does this is by dissolving amyloid-beta proteins through autophagy. These plaques can build up in the brain and are thought to be related to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers. Indeed, a study showed early signs that spermidine could prevent memory loss in older people suffering from dementia [2].

Spermidine may also benefit longevity itself. The supplement mimics the effects of other life extending interventions like calorie restriction to promote cellular renewal through autophagy.
Spermidine also protects DNA from damage caused by oxidative stress. It has been observed to stabilise mitochondrial DNA, thus protecting against aging caused by mutations in the mitochondrial genome. It may also protect against telomere attrition in mice, the endcaps of chromosomes that shorten with age, directly impacting longevity.

Both genomic instability and telomere shortening are part of the hallmarks of aging, biomarkers used to measure the changes that occur within organisms as they age. Research shows that spermidine can inhibit five of the nine hallmarks of aging.

All of this said, Neurogan is a trusted supplement supplier of mine, I use several products and they have proven to be of the highest quality and potency. These gummies are no exception, they have high purity and potency, and they even taste good. These are now part of my anti-aging and overall health regimen.

Lisa Williams
Spermidine Gummies

I was skeptical of this product at first but once I did some research, I realized there is growing literature on the active ingredients. This product has a good concentration of the active ingredients allowing one to benefit from taking them. I've only been taking these a couple of weeks and so far they seem to be working as intended. Definitely going to keep taking them

K. Eng
Great tasting Spermidine in gummies formulation

I have been taking spermidine for about 2 months now and although the gummies taste great, I'm not sure if it's actually helping in terms of energy and aging, although I haven't had any adverse issues either while taking these. It very well can be these need to be taken for longer periods of times before noticing any changes but overall, I think I'll continue taking these for its reported benefits for a while longer and as many of these changes are typically very gradual in nature and not a quick fix nor immediately noticed.

Easy to Eat

These are easy to eat. They have a good flavor. Good ingredients with a large amount of servings.

Finally a Gummy with Adequate Ingredient and Third Party Tested too !

I rarely ever get gummies because they never have hardly any actual ingredient in it to do anything. This with 25 mgs of spermidine in it,,, is one the few I have ever seen that does. And I really like taking spermidine for it's autophagy effects (may). That is where the cell, mainly in the mitochondria does some house keeping so to speak to make everything clean and efficient. This results in better cellular processes which improves many things like metabolism and energy production (may). What I find most fascinating about this process is sometimes after a cell has removed the old worn out junk,,, a new one is made from that junk that is just as good if not better than the original one (may). Longevity experts believe autophagy and senescent cell removal are key to optimal health (may).

Now it is debated what the best source of spermidine there is with wheat germ usually being mentioned. I see this is extracted at a 99% purity confirmed by a third party test and that's all I need to know. Speaking of third party test it is pretty much a given that we avoid untested supplements due to all the fakes. Unfortunately the bad guys wised up too and now you are hard pressed to find a supplement that does not state it is. And they are using the lab test from the seller of the raw ingredient for this which is the last person you want doing it obviously. That is why I do not buy supplements unless it is third party tested in the USA like this product Neurogan is. I think this is actually the first time I have seen a gummy third party tested. And not only that but Neurogan is telling you who did it (sellers 4th picture down). And they even say you can see if if you want and request it. I am WAY impressed. An absolute nothing to hide and transparent approach with an excellent product. I so do wish all the good guys in the supplement business would take note and follow this example.

Now I do not feel anything when I take this and would be hard pressed to see how you could. I suppose it might be possible to notice energy if you had a lot of cells needing help with autophagy. These taste like candy to me. I take one in the a.m. and one at night and it helps with my sweet tooth craving. I had no sides with these and thought they tasted pretty good. I love the fact this is the real deal and the possible benefits I may be getting. Best of Luck and hope this was helpful. Definitely all 10 stars !

A Potent Path to Enhanced Cellular Health

After trying out Neurogan's Spermidine Gummies, I plan to make them a permanent part of my health regimen. From their potency to their role in promoting cell renewal, these gummies have delivered on their promises.

The first thing to note is the potency of these gummies. With a whopping 100x more spermidine compared to wheat germ extracts, these gummies are in a league of their own.

Neurogan's dedication to transparency and quality is another aspect that has won me over. The lab-verified purity and strength of the spermidine, clearly outlined in the supplement facts panel, provided peace of mind that I was indeed getting a high-quality supplement. In an industry where transparency is often lacking, Neurogan's commitment to it sets a high standard.

One of the main benefits of these gummies is their cell membrane support. Research is making it more clear each day that cell integrity is crucial to staving off the effects of aging. I am more concerned than ever about preserving my cognitive function and overall health.

Knowing that the spermidine in these gummies aids in the process of autophagy, effectively promoting cell renewal and preserving healthy cells, I feel more confident that I am doing what I can to protect my health as I age.

I appreciate the fact that Neurogan's Spermidine Gummies are made in the USA. You can never be 100% sure about anything, but the adherence to strict cGMP certified practices boosts my confidence in the quality and safety of the product.

In terms of taste, the gummies are surprisingly pleasant. They are easy to chew, have a subtly sweet flavor that isn't overpowering, making them a treat to consume daily. And they are really small.

Neurogan's Spermidine Gummies offer a potent, high-quality, and effective supplement that supports cognitive function and overall health.

Great tasting and Pure!

This USA made product uses very pure ingredients that are 99% pure Spermidine formula that is over 100x more potency compared to wheat germ extracts. This is what I am looking for, the potency. The flavor of these gummies make them more attractive to ingest than regular capsules and taking one in the morning and one in the evening is very easy to accomplish with the flavor. This is supposed to help with cell renewal and integrity which lends to improved cognitive function and overall health. Hopefully after a full month cycle of these gummies I will be able to confirm these claims!